The MATES Mentoring Program provides positive role models who mentor, assist, target, engage and enhance the skills and life experiences of young people. MATES matches young people (mentees) with a volunteer (mentor) from the local community. Mentors and mentees catch up for one hour, once a fortnight for one year. MATES is a great way to volunteer in the community.

Primary and secondary schools in the Wimmera Southern Mallee region can access the MATES Youth Mentoring Program Framework for free. The framework includes policies, procedures and templates to implement MATES into your school. WSMLLEN will provide ongoing support with recruitment, training, activities, events, and tips & tools for volunteer management.

Volunteer members comes from all walks of life and genuinely have an interest in shaping the future of young people and their community.
Volunteers must be over the age of 18, have or are willing to get a Working With Children Check and be available during school hours for 1 hour each fortnight.

MATES is very well supported by local businesses and organisations who, through volunteer employee engagement strategies, allow staff to participate in MATES Mentoring during business hours. Community Champion businesses find employees appreciate the opportunity, feel a sense of connection to community, and participation overwhelmingly supports team culture. More information on becoming a Community Champion is available by contacting WSMLLEN.
Who can be a Mentor?
Mentors are volunteers from community who are over 18 and have a Working With Children Check. If you have time and a genuine care for young people mentoring might just be for you. Training is provided. You do not require specialist skills or background, just a smile and a commitment to shaping the life of a young person.
Can my school host MATES?
Schools in the Wimmera Southern Mallee region can easily access the program by contacting WSMLLEN. Schools outside of the area can connect their LLEN to see if the program is supported in their area. There are some terrific MATES Programs being ran across rural and regional Victoria.
Is this a volunteer position?
Yes, MATES is a volunteer program. Once trained, Mentors are engaged with a participating school and become a volunteer of that school. All participating schools have volunteer insurance and engagement models. Mentors do not receive compensation or remuneration.
What training is involved?
WSMLLEN provides a 2-hour training session usually held onsite at the school, on the rare occasion, the training maybe done via an online session. The training will cover topics specifically designed to provide positive role models who mentor, assist, target, engage and enhance the skills and life experiences of young people within our communities.
When can I start?
Participating schools are always on the lookout for new mentors! You can start usually within a fortnight of completing the training depending on your schedule.
What support is there?
Schools have a 'MATES Coordinator' who oversees and supports the mentoring program within the school. Coordinators check-in with mentors and provide support. Coordinators are readily available, and if not, the School Principal and other staff can also support mentors. WSMLLEN can also support, and we are only a phone call away!
"It only takes 24 hours to change a life"
~ John Doe
For more information, or to express you interest please contact:
Kerri Nichols
MATES Coordinator
Wimmera Southern Mallee LLEN
(03) 5381 0122
*please note Kerri is part-time, for a more immediate response contact eo@llen.com.au